If I did a gap year, I would dedicate every day to ride a bike. My intention would be participate in bike races arround the world.
In this gap year I would travel to a lot of countries. In june I would participate in the first races, like Orbea Cadí Challenge, Quebrantahuesos, Irati Xtrem and Transpyr, in Spain, and the Sportful Dolomiti Race in Italy. In july I would participate only in two races, Terra de Comptes, and La Ruta Minera, in Spain. In August I would participate in La Purito Andorra, in Andorra, and travel to Itali and Switzerlad to do an stage in the Alps. In September I would train a lot, and travel arround Spain, for climb the most important mountains, like Teide, El Muro de Aia or Turó de l'home. I would participate in the Catalunya Bike Race too. In October I would participate in Épica Atcama, in Chile. This is a MTB race, and is one week long. In November I would train and travel to France, for repeat 5 stages of Le Tour de France. In the same month, I would make an Everesting Challenge, it consist in climb in one day +8000m of difference. In december, I would travel to Cuba, for participate in the Titan Tropic. After this race, I would make a break. In january, I would began again and prepare february races. In february I would participate in Andalucía Bike Race, Costa Blanca Bike Race and Gironès MTB challenge, in Spain, and in The Pioneer in New Zeland. In March I would participate in Cape

Epic in South Africa. This is one of the hardest MTB races of the world. After Cape Epic, I would make a little break. In April, I would participate in the Tour of Flandes, in Belgium, and in the Volcat, and Girona MTB Challenge, in Catalonia. In May I would participate in the Titan Desert in Morocco, and in Orbea Monegros, Terra de l'Aigua, Terra de Remences, La Rioja Bike Race and Cerdenya MTB Challenge in Spain.
I don't think that make a gap year is positive, because you disconect a lot of the studies, and you lose the habit of study. But if I have to make a gap yer, I want that this has been a cyclist year. This gap year can make me so happy.